Mon Violon
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Otakar Ševčík


Czech violinist and composer. He was a famous teacher in Salzburg, Vienna, Prague, Kharkiv, Kiev, London, Boston, Chicago, and New York City.

ISNI 000000012123906X

BnF Wikipedia

Halbton: 1-2 Finger — Semitone 1st to 2nd finger — Demi-ton : entre 1er et 2ème doigt.

Otakar Ševčík

Otakar Ševčík (1852-1934)

Czech violinist and composer. He was a famous teacher in Salzburg, Vienna, Prague, Kharkiv, Kiev, London, Boston, Chicago, and New York City.

Exercices pour violon

Paper publication:

relevance : 5#sevcik-op1-1-1

Halbton: 2-3 Finger — Semitone: 2nd to 3d finger — Demi-ton : entre 2ème et 3ème doigt.

Otakar Ševčík

Otakar Ševčík (1852-1934)

Czech violinist and composer. He was a famous teacher in Salzburg, Vienna, Prague, Kharkiv, Kiev, London, Boston, Chicago, and New York City.

Exercices pour violon

Paper publication:

relevance : 5#sevcik-op1-1-2

Übungen in Doppelgriffen — Exercices en doubles cordes — Exercices in double-stopping.

Otakar Ševčík

Otakar Ševčík (1852-1934)

Czech violinist and composer. He was a famous teacher in Salzburg, Vienna, Prague, Kharkiv, Kiev, London, Boston, Chicago, and New York City.

Exercices pour violon

Paper publication:

relevance : 5#sevcik-op1-1-23

Halbtöne: 0-1, 3-4 Finger — Semitones: 0 to 1st and 3d to 4th fingers — Demi-tons : 0-1er et 3ème-4ème doigts.

Otakar Ševčík

Otakar Ševčík (1852-1934)

Czech violinist and composer. He was a famous teacher in Salzburg, Vienna, Prague, Kharkiv, Kiev, London, Boston, Chicago, and New York City.

Exercices pour violon

Paper publication:

relevance : 5#sevcik-op1-1-3