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John Playford


Bookseller, dancing master, publisher and composer.

ISNI 0000000081386478

BnF Wikipedia

Greensleeves en cercle circassien — Greensleeves and Pudding Pies.

John Playford

John Playford (1623-1686)

Bookseller, dancing master, publisher and composer.

Paper publication:

web :

Greensleeves jig —, 1999

Greensleeves — Diatomalo, 2014

relevance : 2#greensleeves-pudding

Lilli Burlero.

John Playford

John Playford (1623-1686)

Bookseller, dancing master, publisher and composer.

Paper publication:

relevance : 2#lilli-burlero

Parson’s Farewell.

John Playford

John Playford (1623-1686)

Bookseller, dancing master, publisher and composer.

Paper publication:

relevance : 2#parson-farewell

Pool’s Hole.

John Playford

John Playford (1623-1686)

Bookseller, dancing master, publisher and composer.

Paper publication:

relevance : 2#pool-hole