Mon Violon
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Passe-moi le ballet.

Florent Coubard

Florent Coubard

Violinist and accordionist, interpreter of traditional music for dance (France, Estonia). He promotes music for all and by all, notably by organizing musical sessions and publishing free repertoire.

Danses de couple

Audio publication:

web :

Demi-sel – Passe-moi le ballet (scottish) — Dogmazic, 2018

Demi-sel – Passe-moi le ballet — Mon Violon Productions, 2018

relevance : 6#ballet

De l’amour tout subit les lois — La sirène du ballet des sens.

Jean-Joseph Mouret

Jean-Joseph Mouret (1682-1738)

French musician and composer. He is one of the main representatives of baroque music in his country.

Paper publication:

relevance : 2#triomphe-sens-sirene