Mon Violon

Titevanker vars
	\version "2.18.2"
			% Title
			varTitle = "Titevanker"
			varTitle_en = \varTitle
			varTitle_et = \varTitle
			% Sort title
			varSortTitle = \varTitle
			varSortTitle_en = \varTitle
			varSortTitle_et = \varTitle
			% Place and/or composer
			varComposer = "Estonie"
			varComposer_en = "Estonia"
			varComposer_et = "Eesti"
			% Dance (empty if dance name in the title)
			varSubtitle = "One-step"
			varSubtitle_en = \varSubtitle
			varSubtitle_et = \varSubtitle
			% Entered by
			enteredby = "Florent Coubard"
			%                 M E L O D Y
			varMelody = \relative c'' {
			   \clef treble
			   \key g \major
			   \tempo 4=130
			   \time 2/4
			   \repeat volta 2 {
			      b8 b16 c b8 b16 c |
			      b8 a g a |
			      b8 b16 c b8 b16 c |
			      b8 a g a |
			      b16 b b 8 a16 a a8 |
			      g16 g g8 fis fis |
			      e8. fis16 g8 a |
			      b8 b b4
			   \repeat volta 2 {
			      g4. b8 d4. g8 |
			      fis8. e16 d8 e |
			      fis2 | \break
			      a,16 a a4 a16 b |
			      c4. e8 |
			      d a16 b c b a8 |
			      g b g4
			%                  C H O R D S
			varChords = \chordmode {
			   g2*4 g4 d g d c2 g
			   g2*2 d2*5:7 g2
			%                  I N F O S
			varInfos = \markuplist {
			   \justified-lines {\col 1977 – joué par Karl Kikas (1914-1992) qui a appris ce one-step sur un disque 78 tours.}
			   \justified-lines {\pub 2019 – Karl Kikas, \italic {Nõiduslik öö,} (15 “Titevanker”), édition des enegistrements de 1977 par \edt {Henn rebane}, ET.}
			   \justified-lines {\pub 2013 – Ants Taul, \italic {Aig Teppo lõõtsage,} (14 “Titevanker”), \edt {Viljandimaa Lõõtsaklubi}, ET.}
			varInfos_en = \markuplist {
			   \justified-lines {\col 1977 – played by Karl Kikas (1914-1992) who learned this one-step from a 78 rpm disc.}
			   \justified-lines {\pub 2019 – Karl Kikas, \italic {Nõiduslik öö,} (15 “Titevanker”), edition of the 1977 recordings by \edt {Henn rebane}, ET.}
			   \justified-lines {\pub 2013 – Ants Taul, \italic {Aig Teppo lõõtsage,} (14 “Titevanker”), \edt {Viljandimaa Lõõtsaklubi}, ET.}
			varInfos_et = \markuplist {
			   \justified-lines {\col 1977 – Mängis 1977. aastal Karl Kikas (1914-1992), kes õppis selle one-step grammofoniplaadilt.}
			   \justified-lines {\pub 2019 – Karl Kikas, \italic {Nõiduslik öö,} (15 „Titevanker“), edition of the 1977 recordings by \edt {Henn rebane}, ET.}
			   \justified-lines {\pub 2013 – Ants Taul, \italic {Aig Teppo lõõtsage,} (14 „Titevanker“), \edt {Viljandimaa Lõõtsaklubi}, ET.}
			% Ce document par Florent, est mis à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Art Libre 1.3