Mon Violon

Luhamaa-reinlender vars
	\version "2.20.0"
			% Title
			varTitle = "Luhamaa reinlenderd"
			varTitle_en = \varTitle
			varTitle_et = \varTitle
			% Sort title
			varSortTitle = \varTitle
			varSortTitle_en = \varTitle
			varSortTitle_et = \varTitle
			% Place and/or composer
			varComposer = "Matis Leima"
			varComposer_en = \varComposer
			varComposer_et = \varComposer
			% Dance (empty if dance name in the title)
			varSubtitle = " "
			% Entered by
			enteredby = "Florent Coubard"
			%                 M E L O D Y
			varMelody = \relative c' {
			   \clef treble
			   \key e \minor
			   \time 4/4
			%   \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
			   \partial 8
			   \repeat volta 2 {
			      r8 |
			      e8 e g b a4. g8 |
			      fis e d fis g4. fis8 |
			      e e g b e, e g b a g fis4 e
			   \repeat volta 2 {
			      e'8 fis |
			      g fis e d c4. b8 |
			      a b c a b4 c8 d |
			      e d c b a g fis e |
			      dis4 dis e
			%                  C H O R D S
			varChords = \chordmode {
			   e2:m a:m d g
			   c a:m b e:m
			   e:m a:m d g
			   c a:m b e4:m
			%                  I N F O S
			varInfos = \markuplist {
			   \justified-lines {« Cette mélodie est née à Tallinn avant un concert de Zetode.
			      J’étais fatigué et je m’ennuyais. J’attendais dans les coulisses après des balances ennuyeuses
			      que le concert commence au plus vite. Ainsi est d’abord venu le titre initial “Backstage depression”.
			      Plus tard, je l’ai renommé d’après la terre natale de mon grand-père, au Setomaa. » [M. Leima, commentaire de vidéo]}
			   \vspaceopt #1
			   \justified-lines {\pub 2012 – CD Kiiora, \italic {Püdsäjüräjidõ pido} (3 “Luhamaa reinlender”), \edt {auto-production,} ET.}
			   \justified-lines {\pub 2019 – Matis Leima, \italic {Karmoškaaabits} (p. 103 “Luhamaa reinlender”), \edt {auto-production,} ET.}
			varInfos_en = \markuplist {
			   \justified-lines {“This tune was born in Tallinn before a Zetode concert.
			      I was tired and annoyed, waiting backstage after an annoying sound rehearsal
			      for the performance to start faster. Thus came the initial title “Backstage depression”.
			      Later I renamed it after my grandfather's homeland in Setomaa.” [M. Leima, Youtube]}
			   \vspaceopt #1
			   \justified-lines {\pub 2012 – CD Kiiora, \italic {Püdsäjüräjidõ pido} (3 “Luhamaa reinlender”), \edt {self-produced,} ET.}
			   \justified-lines {\pub 2019 – Matis Leima, \italic {Karmoškaaabits} (p. 103 “Luhamaa reinlender”), \edt {self-produced,} ET.}
			varInfos_et = \markuplist {
			   \justified-lines {„See lugu sündis Tallinnas enne üht Zetode kontserti.
			      Olin väsinud ja pahur ning ootasin pärast tüütut heliproovi lava taga,
			      et esinemine kiiremini pihta hakkaks. Nii sündiski esialgu pealkirja
			      „Backstage’i masendus“ kandev lugu. Hiljem nimetasin loo ümber
			      oma vanaisa kodukandi järgi Setomaal.“ [M. Leima, Youtube]}
			   \vspaceopt #1
			   \justified-lines {\pub 2012 – CD Kiiora, \italic {Püdsäjüräjidõ pido} (3 „Luhamaa reinlender“), \edt {isetootmine,} ET.}
			   \justified-lines {\pub 2019 – Matis Leima, \italic {Karmoškaaabits} (lk 103 „Luhamaa reinlender“), \edt {isetootmine,} ET.}