Mon Violon
Découvrir le violon

Entire length of the bow

No 6

Publication: Florent, June 21, 2018
Free Art License 1.3

Down Bow: from frog to tip
Up Bow: from tip to frog.

Lay the bow about halfway between the bridge and fingerboard. Play each note using entire length of the bow. Take care to draw the bow in a parallel direction to the bridge.

1) Count “1 2 3 4” on each note. Between each note, stop the bow and don’t lift it. Then check the position of your bow (ask someone or use a mirror).

2) When you have taken the insurance, play without silences.

Titles: 1ère leçon. Exercices préparatoires de l’archet sur les cordes à vide

1857, Bériot, Op. 102 Méthode de violon 1

Le détaché large

1908, Le petit Paganini Vol. 1

Détaché chantant

1908, Le petit Paganini Vol. 1

Whole notes

1926, Auer, Book 1

Tout l’archet 1


Paper publication:

Bériot, Op. 102 Méthode de violon 1
1ère leçon. Exercices préparatoires de l’archet sur les cordes à vide p.7

Le petit Paganini Vol. 1
Le détaché large [1] p.6

Auer, Book 1
1: [Open String Exercices] Whole Notes p.17


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Free Art License 1.3
The document Entire length of the bow (sheet music) by Florent, is licensed under a Free Art License 1.3

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